The MQTT folder is missing in Bluemix IoT NodeJS code

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Recently I have started exploring IBM Bluemix and IoT. What I used to do was that, earlier I replicated Parking Lot App as shown in the document on link. that time the app worked fine. I tried modifying the features and now when i try to replicate the same app again I see the code structure is changed. the "mqtt" folder which was there previously is missing/omitted from the code. For some reason I am unable to find the callbacks which were there in files under "mqtt" folder. I checked the above mentioned doc if its modified, but it is still the old doc which is there since March.

can someone guide me on this?

folder structure before :

enter image description here

folder stucture after :

enter image description here

Aug 8, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

edited Aug 17, 2018 by Matt 1,031 views

1 answer to this question.

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IoT-Workbench now uses new improved code generation scheme for node.js. Older applications that used the old code the workbench will still use the old scheme and will not be affected. The document of the parking finder sample will be updated in the next few days for reflect the changes.

The new scheme introduce many improvements like: -Simpler handling of mqtt events and commands, -Simpler handling of http messages - More options to add user code
answered Aug 8, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,240 points

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