Detecting BLE beacons that are not ibeacons on IOS

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I have a BCM207375 BLE module that I've been trying to cutomize into a beacon so that it could interact with an app on my iPhone that I developed with the CoreLocation framework. Now, I need the app on my phone to run some code to communicate with my API upon detection of the BLE beacon even if it gets killed. So, only a beacon can get the job done and not CoreBluetooth.
So, can I get my customized beacon to interact with my iPhone in the same manner as an ibeacon?
Aug 1, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Bharani
• 4,660 points

1 answer to this question.

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You'll have to understand that CoreLocation is only designed for ibeacons. So, you'll have to make sure that the packets you broadcast are with the iBeacon protocol. And, then you'll see that CoreLocation detects your custom beacon and wakes your app as and when the detection happens. But you'll need to make sure that you stick to the very details of the ibeacon protocol like all of these: 

  • An iBeacon protocol packet is a 25 byte payload set as the manufacturer data field in the BLE advertisement.
  • The company ID is 2 bytes (0x004C)
  • The type is 1 byte (0x02)
  • Data Length is 1 byte (0x015)
  • Proximity UUID is a 16 byte Hex String
  • Major is 2 bytes uint16_t
  • Minor is 2 bytes uint16_t
  • Measured Power is 1 byte int8_t
answered Aug 1, 2018 by nirvana
• 3,130 points

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