How do I perform feature selection in a disease prediction data set

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For feature selection in a disease dataset, should I be familiar with the biology or science behind the disease for doing the feature selection?
Jul 30, 2018 in Data Analytics by Anmol
• 1,780 points

edited Aug 20, 2018 by Anmol 869 views

1 answer to this question.

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Feature selection is based equally upon logic and hit and trial. Logically selecting features is tried first then comes the hit and trial approach.

Selecting features logically includes using the below listed approaches to filter out the un-required features or choose the most dominant one.

  1. Correlation plot
  2. Checking for co-linearity among variables
  3. Selecting variables based on business insight or common knowledge
  4. Building a linear model to check coefficient values assigned to the model

Once you have logically selected a predefined set of response variables, you can use hit and trial approach to combine, add or remove response variables.

Combining can be beneficial in case the target variable is binary, example being obese, having diabetes, having irregular blood pressure can all be combined together to predict a disease.

answered Aug 20, 2018 by Abhi
• 3,720 points

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