Spring Boot application freezes after a day

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I have a Spring Boot application running on two servers. It accepts file upload requests (approx 1 KB) via Controller from 1000s of IOT devices.

Additionally there is a TCP Listener which also accepts GPS data as a Stream from these IOT devices.

I have setup the Tomcat max thread count to 3000 on one server and 5000 on a larger VM.

After a day or two my Spring Boot application freezes, i.e. it stops responding to any further API calls.

One reason, I suspect is that the IOT devices are not closing the TCP socket connection after sending the data.

Where could I be going wrong? I am running out of threads to handle new incoming requests?



After investigating the thread dump and adding logs during during Socket connection and closure, I have discovered that the IOT device isn't closing connections. Instead the device is creating a new connection every time it wants to send new data without closing the previous one.

Before the app froze, 22500 open connections were automatically closed.

How can I handle this behavior? Should I close the connections forcefully after a certain timeout?

Jul 26, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can mitigate the idle connections problem by hiding your service behind an Nginx or HAProxy which close idle connections by default after a given timeout.

Another option is to set server.connection-timeout in application properties (see server properties), but this appears to be applicable to HTTP only.

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answered Jul 26, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,240 points

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