Receiving SMS from users and stores in AWS

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I gave the requirement permission involving SMS and AWS platform, the requirement is that users can send SMS to a mobile number and I need to store those SMS and their metadata into AWS RDS or DynamoDB or any AWS compatible storage. These SMS will is getting populated to a realtime dashboard.Anyone here facing this issue? or any tools or technology I could use to resolve this issue?????
Apr 13, 2018 in AWS by Flying geek
• 3,280 points

2 answers to this question.

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You can send the SMS message using Amazon SNS. If you want to use this to send the message, Amazon has provided an AWS SDK called boto3. The message can be stored by using any RDS-compatible database engine (PostgreSQL, Aurora, MySQL, etc.). Amazon RDS simply provisions the servers that will run this software. If you are planning to make a web app for the dashboard, a framework like Django would be a good choice. Then you could use something like Django Channels for the real-time requirement.

answered Apr 13, 2018 by Cloud gunner
• 4,670 points
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As far as I know, receiving international SMS is free and without hassle on the receiver's side. Unlike sending SMS which AWS SNS provide

So that separate the SMS receiving business and the storage business. To receive SMS you can look at Nexmo or Twilio.

Please note that SMS fails regularly and the sender is charged for international SMS most of the time
answered Aug 21, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points

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