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What is Metasploit : Overview, Framework, and How is it Used

Last updated on Oct 25,2024 14 Views

Sunita Mallick
Experienced tech content writer passionate about creating clear and helpful content for... Experienced tech content writer passionate about creating clear and helpful content for learners. In my free time, I love exploring the latest technology.

Metasploit is one of the most effective and famous tools in the sphere of the information security including penetration testing. It provides the map which the security professionals can use in setting the nature and kind of risks present in the systems for them to be shielded from the threats. What is it? This blog will answer questions such as the background of it, what does it do, who uses it, what tools it is equipped with and the likes.

A Brief History of Metasploit

It was developed by H. D. Moore in 2003 as a basic framework and a vehicle for creating and launching exploits. Originally developed in Perl, the framework received a lot of appreciation due to the issues solved in the best way possible and the versatility of the theme. Since 2000, it has gone through significant changes; in 2007, it was completely rewritten in Ruby to become more modular and user-friendly. 

The Framework was further developed with the assistance of a team at the cybersecurity company Rapid7, which purchased the project in 2009. Since then, however, it has expanded quite a lot, and the current version, Metasploit 4.0, reached this year, bringing new means of identifying further vulnerabilities besides the approach of exploiting certain weaknesses.

What Is Metasploit, and How Does It Work?

It is an open source penetration testing tool that offers tools to integrate with that and discover, attack, and verify systems. There are different tools, libraries, user interfaces, and modules that facilitate for the attackers and defenders to test and secure the systems.

The framework works through a user establishing an exploit module, selecting a payload on it, choosing a target on the system, and then launching the exploit. Having a list of hundreds of available exploits and payloads makes work with its quite easy, even for a newcomer in the sphere of penetration testing.

The usual flow experienced here takes its start with information collection, whereby it works synergistically with tools Nmap and Nessus to help in the identification of vulnerabilities of a system. Zerkauter and Alharbi mentioned that after identifying a specific weakness, someone can select an exploit and a payload for a specific attack. If successful, the payload is acted out on, and the user is then provided access to the particular computer or machine in question. Famous payloads such as Meterpreter, an in-memory shell, provide the user with full control over the targeted machine.

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What Is the Purpose of Metasploit?

Metasploit, as is evident, is primarily aimed at assisting users in the detection of potential weaknesses in systems before malicious individuals can take advantage of them. 

It is used by:

  • Security Engineers: For carrying out the penetration tests and to ensure whether the provided security controls are effective enough or not.
  • System Administrators: In order to assess how efficient specific patches are in installation.
  • Product Vendors: For the purpose of performing regression testing in the software development process.
  • Hackers: The ethical hackers also apply it in practice, while the unethical hackers apply the same with evils’ purpose.

This means that it has made it possible for organizations to avoid being targets by cracking down on any potential weaknesses with the intention of using them by the hackers.

Who Uses Metasploit?

It is used by a wide range of professionals, including:

  • Security Professionals: For performing pen-tests and enhancing the security of the system.
  • System Administrators: That is why it is required to carry out such checks to make sure that patches and security measures really work.
  • Developers: Within the process of creating software to detect the weaknesses that can be exploited by hackers and cybercriminals.
  • Hackers: As will be seen, both ethical hackers, also known as pen testers, and real hackers use it in hacking systems.

It is free and can be used by everyone, beginning with security professionals and ending with beginners in the IT industry.

Metasploit Uses and Benefits

It provides numerous use cases and benefits, including:

  • Open Source and Actively Developed: It is open source, usually updated frequently, and is cheaper as compared to other expensive commercial software. The software is open source, and the users are able to modify the source code according to their discretion.
  • Ease of Use: The above framework is friendly in use; hence, large network penetration testing can be done efficiently. It helps to eliminate many factors, as the majority of the work has been done by the program.
  • Quick Payload Switching: Using the set payload command, users can easily toggle between the defined payloads, giving the attack versatile approaches to be implemented.
  • Clean Exits: There are goodies that it has for the creation of payloads to exit the system and erase all tracks.
  • Friendly GUI Environment: It has both an autorun command-line interface that most security professionals like to use and a GUI interface for the less technical user when performing a penetration test.

What Tools Are Used in Metasploit?

It carries out penetration testing at a much faster rate than a normal approach with the following aids. Some of the main tools include:

  • Aircrack: is being used to break wireless passwords.
  • Wireshark: A protocol analyzer of a computer network.
  • Ettercap: So in the figures for the man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • Netsparker: A sw for identifying the level of protection of web – applications.
  • Kali Linux: Other benefits that are associated with the use of penetration testing operating system include the following: its penetration testing is the one that is pre-installed.

Some of these tools coupled with the fact that its framework has a list of exploits and a list of payloads make it a perfect tool for penetration testing.

Related Post Creating a custom Metasploit payload to bypass antivirus detection

How to Download and Install Metasploit?

It is very easy to install and if you are using Kali Linux, trust me you do not need to install as it is part of the package. Downloads of the files of other systems can be obtained from GitHub repository of the system. 

Here’s how to install it on Windows and Linux

Windows Installation:

  • Get the installer of it from the official site.
  • It has step-by-step instructions on the installation; therefore, you just need to run the application’s installer and follow the instructions that are provided.
  • After it has been set up, launch the Metasploit console and get started using the framework.

Linux Installation:

  • Run the command git clone followed by the URL link to its repository located in GitHub.
  • Use the installation script and start invoking the system through the command line.
  • Begin by installing it in the terminal and commence running it using the command msfconsole.


It comes in two flavors, namely the free and open source edition and the commercial edition. Although the paid version has more features and is optimized for enterprise environments.

What Is Metasploitable?

Metasploitable is vulnerable virtual machine created for the purpose of using it for testing its security aspect. It can enable the users to practice within a simulated environment without breaking the law if and when they are released. Because it is a crime to conduct real-world cyber assaults on networks or computers without prior consent, Metasploitable offers a secure environment in which to train with the Framework.

Metasploitable contains about five intentionally opened application/ services for each to practice on as a beginner and as well as sharpen the skills of the professional.

Metasploit Framework

Microsoft AntiMalware is an evolution of previous tools known as spy net and anti virus project or AVP. It includes various directories and files that make up the framework:

  • Data: Contains editable files for storing binaries, wordlists, images, templates, logos, etc.
  • Tools: Includes command utilities like plugins and hardware-related commands.
  • Scripts: Contains Meterpreter scripts and other resources.
  • Modules: Houses the actual MSF modules used for exploits, payloads, and auxiliary functions.
  • Plugins: Provides additional extensions to automate tasks.
  • Documentation: Offers guides, manuals, and other resources to help users understand it.
  • Lib: Contains libraries required to run the framework from start to finish.

Metasploit Shell Types

It offers two main types of shells for interacting with compromised systems:

  • Bind Shell: The target machine opens a listener on a specific port, allowing the attacker to connect and gain control. The idea of this type of shell is dangerous because in fact other outsiders can come attacking the system.
  • Reverse Shell: An attacker launches a listener, and the target system connects back to the attacker which minimizes the chances of other attackers connecting to the shell.

Both shell type is useful in its own way and thereby selecting the correct shell depends on the operational circumstance.

Metasploit Commands

It offers a wide range of commands that make penetration testing efficient. Some of the basic commands include:

  • msfconsole: Opens the its interface.
  • search: Finds available exploits and modules.
  • use: Selects a specific module for execution.
  • set: Configures options for the selected module.
  • exploit: Launches the exploit against the target.
  • exit: Exits its console.

These commands provide a powerful set of tools for testing and securing systems.


Is it legal to use Metasploit? 

Yes, the usage of it is permissible provided that the user has the consent of that of the system administrator. Using it for carrying out an unauthorized attack on systems is a criminal offense, and it attracts serious repercussions.

Why is Metasploit risky?

This is a great tool, and if used by the wrong people then it can be used in the wrong way. Also, if not well handled, it can lead to destruction of the systems which is being tested on.

What language is Metasploit written in? 

It was first coded in Perl but was eventually redone in Ruby. This piece of work is mainly based on the currently existing Ruby framework.

What is payload in ethical hacking?

In ethical hacking, a payload can refer to a code that runs on the exploited system after the vulnerability has been penetrated. Payloads can be used to achieve control of the system, to steal information, and more.


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