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What Is Cross-Site Request Forgery (Csrf) Attack And How To Defend It

Published on Oct 14,2024 16 Views

Sunita Mallick
Experienced tech content writer passionate about creating clear and helpful content for... Experienced tech content writer passionate about creating clear and helpful content for learners. In my free time, I love exploring the latest technology.

CSRF, or session riding, is another category of an attack in which the attacker specializes in making other users perform unintended actions on a web application. This kind of attack capitalizes on the reliance that a web application has on the user’s browser. 

With regards to the impact of this kind of attack, it can have very damaging results, such that it can result in modifications of records and transactions as well as complete account compromise. Now let’s take a closer look at how CSRF attacks occur, their effects on businesses, and how to prevent them.

What is a CSRF Attack?

A CSRF attack exploits the user and captures an authenticated session by making the user send a request that he/she is unaware of. For instance, if you are in the middle of an online session where you are using your account with a specific bank, you will be asked. One day you are sifting through websites and accidentally, or intentionally, you click on a link. 

However, that link has a second layer that aims at embezzling money from your account. When you are authenticated with your bank, the browser will automatically load the request along with the necessary information, like cookies and a session token, among others. It then acts on the request as if you made it, therefore carrying out actions you did not approve.

Real-World Examples of CSRF Attacks

Cross-Site Request Forgery attack have been done in many real-life experiences. There is a high-profile one that occurred early this year involving a WordPress plugin that exposed over 50,000 websites. Breach occurred through CSRF menace, whereby the plugin integrated contaminated sites with hazardous JavaScript code. 

The above enabled the attackers to make the user click on abusive links or install bad attachments without knowing it. Some of the risks that come with such vulnerabilities are loss of data, money, and reputation for businesses, and cyber theft, among others.

How Do CSRF Attacks Work?

To understand how CSRF attacks work, let’s break down the process into simple steps:

  • User Authentication: One example is that a user is working with a web application, for example, a web application for managing a personal account in an online bank.
  • Attacker’s Setup: The attacker develops a link or web page with the intention of taking advantage of the user’s session with the web application.
  • User Interaction: The user is logged in the web application when he or she accidentally clicks on the malicious link.
  • Request Execution: Using the address given, the’request’ along with session credentials is automatically passed to the web application by the browser.
  • Action Performed: The web application takes the request as genuine and performs the action that the request implies, for instance, moving money or altering account information.

Key Conditions for a Successful CSRF Attack

For a CSRF attack to succeed, three essential conditions must be met:

  • Desirable Action: The attacker will always need to want something, for instance, a change of password or the movement of funds.
  • User Authentication: It is mandatory to implement session management techniques in the application through cookies.
  • Predictable Parameters: For this to be possible, the attacker must know or be able to find out the parameters needed for the request, for example, the current password while creating a new one.

When these conditions occur, the attacker is able to build a request that would be executed by the user and merely skip the authentication process of the web application.

Why CSRF Attacks are Dangerous for Businesses

Despite CSRF’s conquests, they are incredibly dangerous to businesses that involve either processing or transmitting customers’ sensitive data or financial transactions. When an attacker gets hold of an authenticated user’s session ID, he/she can modify some account parameters, transfer money, or even seize control of the entire application. 

For organizations, this can equal financial losses, leakage of information, and loss of credibility. However, CSRF attacks can be performed by personally attacking users, for instance, administrators, thereby increasing the risk that attackers can get full access to highly sensitive systems and information.

Common CSRF Attack Scenarios

Here are some common scenarios where CSRF attacks can occur:

  • Changing User Details: An attacker can change a user’s email address or password, locking them out of their account.
  • Unauthorized Transactions: Attackers can transfer money or purchase products using the victim’s account.
  • Account Takeover: If the target has administrative privileges, the attacker can gain control over the entire application.
  • Sending Malicious Messages: Attackers can send messages or emails from the victim’s account, spreading malware or phishing links.

How to Prevent CSRF Attacks

Now that we understand the dangers of CSRF attacks, let’s explore some effective prevention methods. Implementing these measures can significantly reduce the risk of a successful attack.

  • CSRF Tokens

CSRF tokens are one of the most effective defenses against CSRF attacks. These tokens are unique, random values generated for each user session. When a user submits a form or performs an action, the server checks whether the request contains a valid CSRF token. If the token is missing or incorrect, the request is denied.

How CSRF Tokens Work:

  • The server generates a CSRF token when the user logs in and includes it in the session data.
  • The token is embedded in forms or requests made by the user.
  • When the user submits a form, the server compares the token in the request with the one stored in the session. If they match, the request is processed.

By using CSRF tokens, you can ensure that only legitimate requests from the user’s session are processed, preventing attackers from forging requests.

  • Avoid Using HTTP GET for Critical Actions

HTTP GET requests are typically used to retrieve data, not modify it. However, some developers mistakenly use GET requests for actions that change data, such as updating user details or making purchases. This can make the application vulnerable to CSRF attacks.

Best Practice:

  • Use HTTP POST or PUT methods for actions that modify data.
  • Ensure that critical operations, such as creating, updating, or deleting records, are not executed via GET requests.

By following this practice, you can prevent attackers from triggering unintended actions through CSRF attacks.

  • SameSite Cookie Attribute

The SameSite attribute is a security feature in cookies that helps prevent CSRF attacks by controlling when cookies are sent with cross-site requests. By setting the SameSite attribute, you can restrict the browser from sending cookies in specific scenarios, reducing the risk of CSRF attacks.

SameSite Attribute Options:

  • Strict: Cookies are not sent with any cross-site requests.
  • Lax: Cookies are sent with some cross-site requests, such as navigating to a link from an external site.
  • None: Cookies are sent with all cross-site requests (this option should be used with caution).

Setting the SameSite attribute to “Lax” or “Strict” can help protect your application from CSRF attacks while still allowing legitimate cross-site interactions.

Why CSRF Defense is Crucial for Web Applications

For businesses, CSRF defense is a critical component of a robust cybersecurity strategy. The potential damage from a successful attack can be far-reaching, affecting both the organization’s finances and its reputation. By implementing CSRF tokens, using proper HTTP methods, and configuring the SameSite attribute, businesses can significantly reduce their vulnerability to CSRF attacks.

Additionally, businesses should regularly update and audit their web applications to identify and fix any potential CSRF vulnerabilities. This proactive approach can help prevent attacks before they occur, safeguarding both the business and its users.

Enhance Your Cybersecurity Knowledge

This certification course covers a wide range of cybersecurity topics, including CSRF defense, SQL injection, and more. By gaining hands-on experience and advanced knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to defend against sophisticated cyberattacks.


Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks are a serious threat to web applications, but with the right prevention strategies, they can be mitigated. CSRF tokens, proper HTTP methods, and the SameSite cookie attribute are powerful tools in the fight against CSRF attacks. For businesses, investing in these defenses is essential to protect user accounts, financial assets, and sensitive data.

Don’t wait until a CSRF attack happens—take action now to secure your web application and safeguard your business from potential threats. And if you’re looking to deepen your understanding of cybersecurity, consider pursuing certification courses like the CEH certification Course to stay ahead of the curve in this ever-evolving field.


What is a CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attack?

A CSRF attack is a kind of attack in which the attacker gets the user to perform actions on a web application that the user is authorized for without the user’s intention and can lead to actions like money transfer.

What is the process which is followed in case of CSRF attacks?

CSRF attacks involve exploiting the user’s session by making him or her submit a malicious request to the web application without his or her knowledge.

What are the implications of CSRF attack in real life?

This is due to the fact that CSRF attacks lead to unauthorized transactions, account takeover, and huge financial losses for both the users and businesses.

What are the measures that can be taken to ensure that CSRF attacks are not made on a web application?

To Reduce the risk of CSRF attacks, one can use CSRF tokens, avoid getting data for sensitive action and ensure that cookie’s SameSite attribute is set.

Why is the CSRF defence crucial in businesses?

Prevention of CSRF is important to mitigate the losses that businesses suffer, loss of data and the negative impact on the company’s reputation from attacks that are successful.

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What Is Cross-Site Request Forgery (Csrf) Attack And How To Defend It