Android Development (41 Blogs)
5 Feb 2015

Android Development : Using Android 5.0 Lollipop (4th Feb 15)

Introducing Android 5.0 Lollipop

The latest update by Google for it’s Android Operating System, the Android 5.0 Lollipop comes as no surprise for tech enthusiasts worldwide. Starting from the simple Android Cupcake, Google has introduced various delicious treats in its journey to the Lollipop, the latest being KitKat. There are a lot of gems in the OS to enhance user experience, like a built-in battery saving mode, automatic unlocking and a notifications view on your lock screen. The Lollipop OS update will be rolled out in all Google mobile and tablet devices, including earlier versions of Nexus and Moto series devices.

Understanding an Android application

There are five building blocks to any Android application: the Intent, the Activity, the Service, the Content Provider and the Broadcast Receiver. The Activity is a screen enabling Intent of the user to indulge in activities, which enables Service to happen in the background with data support from the Content Provider, while the Broadcast Receiver acts as a dormant observer for occurring intents. These five main components support the functioning of any Android application.

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