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How To best Utilize HTML Div Tag?

Last updated on Oct 21,2024 643 Views

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This article will introduce you to a new HTML concept that is simple yet essential. We would be exploring HTML Div Tag in this article. Following pointers will be touched and discussed in the process:

Table of Content

So let us get started then,

HTML Div Tag

If you want to describe a document, <div> tag and <span> tag can be used in HTML for defining a section of your document. With this tag, grouping of large sections of HTML elements can be done. And can be formatted using CSS.

<div> tag is used for grouping various other HTML tags.Web page layout can also be created to define different parts of the web page.There is no visual change as such when used separately. The basic difference div tag and span tag, the former is used with block level elements and the latter is used with the inline elements.

Moving on with this HTML Div Tag article


In the below example a reference folder is with the styling elements saved as div2.css is taken.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> HTML div tag</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="div2.css">

<div id="contentinfo">

Welcome to edureka blogs.We provide online coaching on different subjects.


The stylesheet of the css file is saved as div2.css
#contentinfo p
line-height: 20px;
margin: 20px;
padding-bottom: 20px;
text-align: justify;
width: 140px;
color: red;


Output - Div Tag - EdurekaMoving on with this article


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> HTML div tag</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="div2.css">
<!-----First group of tags---->

<div style="color:blue">

<h4>This is the first group</h4>







<!-----Second group of tags---->

<div style="color:red">

<h4>This is the second group</h4>









The result of the given program will be:

Output - HTML Div Tag - Edureka

This brings us to the end of this article.

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How To best Utilize HTML Div Tag?
