My MySQL table has 6.5 million records ...READ MORE
PHP 5.6.3 is being used by XAMPP ...READ MORE
In order to make database interaction simpler, ...READ MORE
Take a look at this code: $GET = ...READ MORE
One of the plugins I looked for ...READ MORE
I'm positioning a circular picture with a ...READ MORE
Let me start by stating that I ...READ MORE
I solved an issue with Apache and ...READ MORE
Please give some idea. how to solve ...READ MORE
How can I check if $something['say'] has the value ...READ MORE
I have a JavaScript file with numerous ...READ MORE
Because of object creation and instantiation, it ...READ MORE
On my Windows computer, I installed XAMPP, ...READ MORE
My Laravel on this path: C:\Users\Mad\Work\trunk\product\backend\v1.2.1\laravel But it is ...READ MORE
With the code below, I'm displaying data ...READ MORE
I have a php form like this. <form ...READ MORE
I employ PHP 5.3.10. Here is the ...READ MORE
I have created two pages and two ...READ MORE
I was wondering if there was a ...READ MORE
I have tried to use exec() with 'whoami' to check if ...READ MORE
I have a form, and when I ...READ MORE
How can I generate a create table ...READ MORE
My shopping cart files have been moved ...READ MORE
I want to study ReactJS; is there ...READ MORE
I'm trying to change the default PHP ...READ MORE
Could you please explain when I should ...READ MORE
When a user has finished filling out ...READ MORE
Using PHP, I'm attempting to extract data ...READ MORE
Someone wants me to revamp a PHP-powered ...READ MORE
To download a file from a third-party ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, The right way is this one: <script ...READ MORE
Is it possible to change an integer ...READ MORE
I ran this command in Laravel 5.2 but ...READ MORE
Please explain the significance of the tilde() ...READ MORE
I want to send emails in Gmail ...READ MORE
So here's how it works: I use ...READ MORE
I looked here and read the Apache ...READ MORE
I am working on creating a database ...READ MORE
When I try to upload a file ...READ MORE
I have an array of the following: function ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, The best way for getting input string is: $value ...READ MORE
I'm attempting to read an Excel document ...READ MORE
I want to use the key to ...READ MORE
Can someone assist with obtaining an access ...READ MORE
I'm testing out the new password hash ...READ MORE
A few months ago, I first used ...READ MORE
Since I'm new to PHP, I'd like ...READ MORE
Code: <?php $host='localhost'; $user='root'; $password='root'; $database='database'; $startindex=@$_REQUEST['seek']; $db=mysql_connect($host, ...READ MORE
How can I create a javascript equivalent ...READ MORE
Can someone clarify the differences between PHP's ...READ MORE
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