In order to include a specific file ...READ MORE
My MySQL table has 6.5 million records ...READ MORE
PHP 5.6.3 is being used by XAMPP ...READ MORE
In order to make database interaction simpler, ...READ MORE
Take a look at this code: $GET = ...READ MORE
One of the plugins I looked for ...READ MORE
I'm positioning a circular picture with a ...READ MORE
Let me start by stating that I ...READ MORE
I solved an issue with Apache and ...READ MORE
Please give some idea. how to solve ...READ MORE
How can I check if $something['say'] has the value ...READ MORE
I have a JavaScript file with numerous ...READ MORE
Because of object creation and instantiation, it ...READ MORE
On my Windows computer, I installed XAMPP, ...READ MORE
My Laravel on this path: C:\Users\Mad\Work\trunk\product\backend\v1.2.1\laravel But it is ...READ MORE
With the code below, I'm displaying data ...READ MORE
I have a php form like this. <form ...READ MORE
I employ PHP 5.3.10. Here is the ...READ MORE
Could you please explain when I should ...READ MORE
I have created two pages and two ...READ MORE
I was wondering if there was a ...READ MORE
I have tried to use exec() with 'whoami' to check if ...READ MORE
I have a form, and when I ...READ MORE
How can I generate a create table ...READ MORE
I want to study ReactJS; is there ...READ MORE
My shopping cart files have been moved ...READ MORE
I'm trying to change the default PHP ...READ MORE
When a user has finished filling out ...READ MORE
Using PHP, I'm attempting to extract data ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, The right way is this one: <script ...READ MORE
Someone wants me to revamp a PHP-powered ...READ MORE
To download a file from a third-party ...READ MORE
Is it possible to change an integer ...READ MORE
I ran this command in Laravel 5.2 but ...READ MORE
Please explain the significance of the tilde() ...READ MORE
I want to send emails in Gmail ...READ MORE
So here's how it works: I use ...READ MORE
I am working on creating a database ...READ MORE
I looked here and read the Apache ...READ MORE
When I try to upload a file ...READ MORE
I have an array of the following: function ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, The best way for getting input string is: $value ...READ MORE
I'm attempting to read an Excel document ...READ MORE
I want to use the key to ...READ MORE
Can someone assist with obtaining an access ...READ MORE
I'm testing out the new password hash ...READ MORE
A few months ago, I first used ...READ MORE
Since I'm new to PHP, I'd like ...READ MORE
Code: <?php $host='localhost'; $user='root'; $password='root'; $database='database'; $startindex=@$_REQUEST['seek']; $db=mysql_connect($host, ...READ MORE
How can I create a javascript equivalent ...READ MORE
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