Browse to sonarqube web instance to access ...READ MORE
Yes, this can be done in 3 ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, This error may occur because of network ...READ MORE
$ kubectl get svc The connection to the ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, MiniShift can autoscale a deployment or a ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, Sometime dns is not able to resolve ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can find the ec2_key module in ...READ MORE
I was trying to get status from ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, Secrets can contain user credentials required by ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You tried to merge your branch in ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You need to create a service to ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can scale your application manually or ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, The ClusterResourceQuota resource is created at cluster ...READ MORE
Installing git using ansible is pretty simple. ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, I don't think you can do that ...READ MORE
Hi@Lakshinarayanan, If you are using AWS Cloud, then ...READ MORE
Hey, @Boldbald, As you are also on the ...READ MORE
Hello, If you want to add a new ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, As mentioned, there are no such prerequisite ...READ MORE
Adding to kalgi's answer, You can also ...READ MORE
You need an Ansible box for this, ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can set a quota for a ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can create a user using htpasswd ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can create a role in Ansible ...READ MORE
Hi@MD, You can use oc new-app command in ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, Some application requires service account for their ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, A LimitRange resource also called a limit, ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can use the ec2_key module in ...READ MORE
Hi@nemer, You can do your task in multiple ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can create a secret using generic ...READ MORE
Hi@Abdul, I think there is nothing wrong with ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can give different roles to different ...READ MORE
Hi@atul, As it is showing in your error ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, To create a group in Minishift, you ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can use oc adm policy command ...READ MORE
Concourse and Jenkins can be primarily classified ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can follow the below given steps ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can find one module named ec2_vpc ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, To expose your app, you need to ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, In Docker, a secret is any blob ...READ MORE
Hi, Jenkins will not able to run the ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, Variable in playbooks are very similar to using variables in ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, Role assigning to a group is a ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can use tags in your inventory ...READ MORE
I am using jenkins declerative pipeline to ...READ MORE
Hi@Sourabh, You can do this task by sharing ...READ MORE
Hi Rham, I don't think this is a ...READ MORE
In order to use the Azure VM ...READ MORE
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