You can manually create a file ...READ MORE
Hey, Yes, Hbase is known to be a ...READ MORE
I guess it should be at /hadoop/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/sr ...READ MORE
HDFS does not allocate capacity separately based ...READ MORE
Hey, To load data from HDFS to pig ...READ MORE
Hey, You can do something like executes a Pig ...READ MORE
Download packages rhdfs, rhbase, rmr2 and plyrmr ...READ MORE
Hey, To get ensure that your Oozie has ...READ MORE
To enable TLS/SSL on hive, you have ...READ MORE
Hi, We can set Hive Action configuration using ...READ MORE
Hey, If for some reason you decide not ...READ MORE
I shall redirect you to a link ...READ MORE
The elasticsearch Hadoop library is not a ...READ MORE
If you are new to this installation ...READ MORE
Please follow the below screenshots for creating ...READ MORE
Hey, You can try this, Change the value ...READ MORE
You will have to exclusively mention the ...READ MORE
Hi, You can use the command below to ...READ MORE
Hey, Byte Array, Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("John Smith")); All ...READ MORE
Hi, By using this command below bucket can be ...READ MORE
Hey, list is the command that is used ...READ MORE
Hey, It is possible by using the source ...READ MORE
HDFS is a software framework designed for ...READ MORE
Hey, In this case, you can do one ...READ MORE
The following command can be used to ...READ MORE
For Hive server 1, the URL format ...READ MORE
Hey, Data in Hive tables reside on HDFS, ...READ MORE
Hey, This particular format will handle the input ...READ MORE
Hi@avi, I also met the same problem. You ...READ MORE
Apache Hadoop project includes four key modules Hadoop ...READ MORE
Hi. I think the reason for this ...READ MORE
To enable Table Lock manager, you have ...READ MORE
Hey, The kill node allows a workflow job to kill ...READ MORE
I understand your issue of HDFS, I ...READ MORE
Hey, This error looks like your job History ...READ MORE
Pls help on below error..on MAC OS WARN ...READ MORE
Hey, This particular class handles the output record ...READ MORE
Hi. You can connect Sqoop to MySql ...READ MORE
Hey, You can use this example so that ...READ MORE
Hey, Actually the problem was that tomcat aborted abnormally and ...READ MORE
Hey, You can do one thing, make a ...READ MORE
First of all, Map Reduce algorithm is not programmed ...READ MORE
Hi, Oozie workflows can be parameterized. The parameters ...READ MORE
In order to get access to the File ...READ MORE
Kafka is a Distributed Messaging System which ...READ MORE
Hey. You guessed it right. The max ...READ MORE
Hi, Below are the extra files that need ...READ MORE
Hi, Region replication is a per-table property. All ...READ MORE
Hey, You can use this command to see polling ...READ MORE
I understood your issue. Let me help you ...READ MORE
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