You can use the function text.split() This should be ...READ MORE
If you want to concatenate int or ...READ MORE
Yes, if bar is not None is ...READ MORE
** - Performs exponential (power) calculation on ...READ MORE
Machine Learning is a vast domain. It ...READ MORE
down voteacceptedUsing OpenCVYou can use resize() in OpenCV to ...READ MORE
if x == 'a': # Do the ...READ MORE
This is because join is a "string" ...READ MORE
You know what has worked for me ...READ MORE
It is not possible to sort a ...READ MORE
importlib is recent addition in Python to ...READ MORE
There are several options. Here is a ...READ MORE
Try items = ["live", "like", "code", "cool", "bug"] ...READ MORE
You can use it to raise errors ...READ MORE
The split() method in Python returns a ...READ MORE
map isn't particularly pythonic. I would recommend ...READ MORE
states.split() will return ['Alaska', 'Alabama', 'Arkansas', 'American', 'Samoa', ...READ MORE
I think you mean del() and not ...READ MORE
To append a file without overwriting, open ...READ MORE
just index it as you normally would. ...READ MORE
>>> import datetime >>> datetime(2018, 25, ...READ MORE
try states.split() this would help. READ MORE
with open("test.txt", "a") as myfile: myfile.write("appended text ...READ MORE
You can try the below code which ...READ MORE is probably the simplest web framework ...READ MORE
try: doSomething() except: pass or try: doSomething() except Exception: ...READ MORE
Use the 'None' keyword to denote the ...READ MORE
It will print concatenated lists. Output would ...READ MORE
In cases when we don’t know how ...READ MORE
import os print(os.environ['HOME']) READ MORE
That is the list of public objects ...READ MORE
your programme is fine until you start ...READ MORE
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", # ...READ MORE
Use the del() function del a[2] Or you can ...READ MORE
np.average() can be used to calculate weighted ...READ MORE
Dynamically modifying a class or module at ...READ MORE
If it makes for an introductory language ...READ MORE
This is the way "continue" statement works! You ...READ MORE
Use random.choice() foo = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', ...READ MORE
with open("test.txt", "a") as myfile: ...READ MORE
It is used to denote directories on ...READ MORE
This is the code that I am ...READ MORE
There is concatenation function for numpy arrays ...READ MORE
difference = list(set(list1) - set(list2)) READ MORE
Tkinter is fairly efficient. And for the ...READ MORE
Lists are mutable homogeneous sequences whereas tuples ...READ MORE
Use this - numpy.savetxt("data.csv", arr, delimiter=",") READ MORE
I think you should try: I used %matplotlib inline in ...READ MORE
Hi. This question has already been answered. Take ...READ MORE
raw_input is not supported anymore in python3. ...READ MORE
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