You can use commands like this: hdfs dfs ...READ MORE
hadoop fs -text /hdfs-path-to-zipped-file.gz | hadoop fs ...READ MORE
You need to solve the issue which ...READ MORE
Hi, To start with Hadoop I would suggest ...READ MORE
When NameNode notices that it has not ...READ MORE
Hi, I can see the error arose because the count ...READ MORE
Create a spark-env.cmd file looking like this @echo off set ...READ MORE
As far I can make out from ...READ MORE
Because map and reduce run on different ...READ MORE
can someone help me with this please, ...READ MORE
I have set up a multi-node Hadoop ...READ MORE
Hello All, need assistance on one issue. ...READ MORE
You can use the hadoop fs -ls command to ...READ MORE
You can use this command to do ...READ MORE
Below is an example query which you ...READ MORE
Hey, You can delete a column family from ...READ MORE
Hi, We can see some steps to do ...READ MORE
First you have to have the file ...READ MORE
Suppose we have a data set as ...READ MORE
Dsqoop.export.records.per.statement=1 is as the name suggests how many ...READ MORE
You are using the below command to ...READ MORE
Try this instead: select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp()); If you have an ...READ MORE
Hadoop is a Java-based platform. So, to ...READ MORE
File metadata information is stored by Namenode ...READ MORE
Hi, The command sqoop help lists the tools ...READ MORE
I'm using command java -classpath ${HADOOP_CLASSPATH} -d '/home/shravanth/Desktop/wordcount/classes' ...READ MORE
The binary representation of a Text object ...READ MORE
Yarn container are a process space where ...READ MORE
Hi everyone, I am facing one issue ...READ MORE
job.setOutputValueClass will set the types expected as ...READ MORE
A value with a wrong datatype causes ...READ MORE
HDFS is capable to accept data in ...READ MORE
Hi, Check your and path in hdfs-site.xml. Or ...READ MORE
Hey, The error you are getting because the ...READ MORE
Outer Bag: An outer bag is nothing but ...READ MORE
The issue that you might be getting ...READ MORE
For avro you can follow the format ...READ MORE
It can be a hdfs path. The ...READ MORE
Hey, The error seems you have not add ...READ MORE
The reason for this error is because ...READ MORE
I add mysql driver for sqoop and it ...READ MORE
Hi, Try this, first delete all contents from ...READ MORE
Since your data is delimited with tabs ...READ MORE
Hello All, I am facing one issue, my ...READ MORE
The tables look fine. Follow these steps ...READ MORE
Refer to the below file det.txt: Name,Age,Location a,10,chennai b,20,bangalore We will ...READ MORE
Hi, You can change the owner to Hadoop ...READ MORE
Suppose you need to load this in ...READ MORE
I've gone through a process that is ...READ MORE
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