How to forward https traffic to launching new instances

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We have created web based application to manage EC2 instance. Like we have start and stop EC2 instances time-based for all users. Basically our EC2 Nice-DCV Application have https (8443) port by default. Amazon recommends to use any port (higher than 1024), if dont want to use 8443 port for https connection. If you want to use Port 443, then you have to use Loadbalancer or Webproxy to achieve.

As per aws documents, we have planned to use Application Loadbalancer for my Application. My application can start / stop / terminate EC2 instances from my webportal.

So whenever admin start the instance for any user, then this instance IP should added with A records in Route53 for creating subdomain. So we can create instances, and assign domain for this instance.

We already created one ALB for our Webportal, Which have 443 port with rules: IF Host is, then its forward to one Targetgroup (Which is IP based and Targets pointed to My webportal EC2 instance Private IP)

But only one thing, we have to achieve to forward 8443 port to 443 port using ALB for upcoming instances. Like whenever admin of my webportal starts EC2 instance for any user, then this instance should forward to 8443 port to 443 port.

How to achieve this one? Can any one help me to do?

Any boto3 script to automate this process?
Dec 3, 2020 in AWS by Lakshminarayanan
• 1,370 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can do this with the routing table. Check the configuration of ALB. You may find this option.
answered Dec 3, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points
Hi MD,

Can you tell me the steps to be done? Where is it located?

You can find these options in EC2. Go to your load balancer and select ALB. There you can able to find configure routing and register targets. Configure your requirement there.

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