hi , i am new to talend . i found a way to read emails from DB and save them to excel file than send to each one of them a seperate email having 1 file as attachement , by using tFlowToIterate on the excel file i could each time send email to one adress of them . but now when i try to iterate on tFileList and extract files in each email iteration i found out that it sends multiple emails to the first email only and having 1 file each time which the first file . so the iteration values in tSendMail is not correctly passed after i added the second iteration . but the LOG is showing that the iteration goes correctly without any confusion . the problem happens only in the tSendMail .
please find below the screen shot having my problem .
SENARIO TO ACHIEVE : 2 email 2 diff files : i want to send 1 email to adress1 having 2 files and then 1 other email to adress2 havnig same 2 files