How to work with blocks in Selenium

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Hello members of the forum. I had such a question about Selenium in python, I only recently started trying to work with it, so I don't know much yet and I haven't found the answer on other sites! How to work with a list of blocks in Selenium? For example, let's take a friends page on Facebook, where each friend is highlighted as a separate block with same class, so I want to work with each block separately, how to do this? So I made it selenium to find all elements with the same block class, that is, to work with each block separately (using "for") and what is next? How to take a photo or names specifically from one exact block? Of course, I can parse names, photos and something else separately from each other, but there is one problem, one of the blocks (friends) may have the university or mutual friends or none of these(empty), and if I will parse all separate, then the descriptions(university,mutual friends) will just stand up consistently as 1,2,3 ..., not including empty descriptions
If there are those who know, please help or share a link where I can read about it
Nov 24, 2020 in Selenium by Beks
• 120 points

2 answers to this question.

0 votes

Hi, @Beks,

Regarding your query, I would like to suggest you visit the given link as its matches the query you have mentioned

answered Nov 24, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
To be honest links did not help me, because in the links written only how to get only text by the loop! I need to get classes inside of the chosen one. I will show an example as code:

Let's say we have 3 div with same classes, inside of the every class have img and text also with similar classes, and in the div can exist one more text(it also can do not exist):

<div class="div_example">

    <img class="img_example" src="source1">

    <a class="name_example" href="#">Name Surname1</a>


<div class="div_example">

    <img class="img_example" src="source2">

    <i class="text_example">may not exist text</i>

    <a class="name_example" href="#">Name Surname2</a>


<div class="div_example">

    <img class="img_example" src="source3">

    <a class="name_example" href="#">Name Surname3</a>


So here let's say that I have started for loop to class "div_example", and it will loop 3 time and every time, I need to get class inside of the chosen one! That is, if loop on 1st round, than I need an access to the "img_example" class exactly on first div class. And how can I do it? How can I get class inside of chosen class?
0 votes

Hello @Beks,

You can simply use the jQuery each() method to loop through elements with the same class and perform some action based on the specific condition.

Here is the jQuery code in the following example will loop through each DIV elements:

Hope now you got the idea how to iterate through same class name and use there property!!

answered Nov 25, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points

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