I think you are using the wrong syntax. You can take help from the below command.
$ hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal <local_FS_filename> <target_on_HDFS>
If you face the same issue, then share your command here.
The behaviour that you are seeing is ...READ MORE
Add -rpath my.zip/lib to LDFLAGS_HDP. For compilation to work, you ...READ MORE
It is because the parent directories do ...READ MORE
Try hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/[Username] and then run ...READ MORE
Hey, As the error suggested that you have ...READ MORE
The reason for this error is that ...READ MORE
The tables look fine. Follow these steps ...READ MORE
Hi, In this case, it is searching ...READ MORE
Hi@fwood, According to your configuration, you didn't set ...READ MORE
Hi@bezz, Hadoop builds on top of Java. So ...READ MORE
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