Why doesn't the button display below the message?
await message.answer (f "Hello {message.from_user.first_name}!", reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup (InlineKeyboardButton ('callback', callback_data = 'callback')))
You can make use of the given below given:
reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup().add(InlineKeyboardButton(text='callback', callback_data='callback'))
The likeliest answer is that it just ...READ MORE
This happens because the scipy module doesn't ...READ MORE
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Python does not use brackets, it uses ...READ MORE
You can also use the random library's ...READ MORE
Syntax : list. count(value) Code: colors = ['red', 'green', ...READ MORE
Enumerate() method adds a counter to an ...READ MORE
You can simply the built-in function in ...READ MORE
x=1, x=2, x=3, x=4, x=5 READ MORE
Hey, @Nelson, replace() actually returns a *copy* of ...READ MORE
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