Amazon CloudFront Latency

+1 vote
This concerns AWS S3 and CloudFront for a web application.

If I let users upload files to the S3 bucket using the AWS SDK and make it available via CloudFront CDN, I face an issue that even when the files are uploaded and ready in the S3 bucket it takes a couple minutes before it is available in the CloudFront CDN URL. I am certain if this behaviour is normal
Apr 8, 2018 in Cloud Computing by hemant
• 5,790 points

3 answers to this question.

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In CloudFront’s defence:

Understand this that CloudFront pulls from CDN. Now the data that is being fetched from original server is uncached and this fetching happens in real time. So there won’t be any replication delays. CloudFront doesn't know about the content until it receives requests for it. So, all it does is fetch request from origin server, and cache it as appropriate, for serving subsequent requests.

Now what could be the problem?

This issue at hand may have to do something with "negative caching" – Now here a request wont work if it is typically done to avoid hammering the origin of whatever's being cached with requests that are likely to fail anyway.

Okay this is what happens normally:

By default, when your origin returns an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code, CloudFront caches these error responses for five minutes and then submits the next request for the object to your origin to see whether the problem that caused the error has been resolved and the requested object is now available. Refer the link for more info:


Now if you try to download the file from that particular CloudFront edge before the upload into S3 is complete, S3 will return an error, and CloudFront -- at that edge location -- will cache that error and remember, for the next 5 minutes. So this is where if another request comes there could be trouble:

You can fix this though:

Specify the error-caching duration that is the  Error Caching Minimum TTL—for each 4xx and 5xx status code that CloudFront caches.

Refer this if needed

 Configuring Error Response Behavior.

I hope this helps

Go for Google Cloud Training to learn more.

answered Apr 8, 2018 by brat_1
• 7,200 points

edited Jun 16, 2023 by Khan Sarfaraz
0 votes

To serve end users outside of China, we recommend using Amazon CloudFront, a global content delivery network (CDN) service that integrates with other Amazon Web Services to give developers and businesses an easy way to distribute content to end users with low latency, high data transfer speeds, and no commitments. Amazon CloudFront uses a global network of edge locations, located near your end users in the United States, Europe, Asia, South America and Australia. Amazon CloudFront edge locations are currently not available inside of China.

answered Aug 17, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,100 points
0 votes

As observed in your comment, it seems that google chrome is messing up with your upload/preview strategy:

  1. Chrome is requesting the URL that currently doesn't have the content.
  2. the request is cached by cloudfront with invalid response
  3. you upload the file to S3
  4. when preview the uploaded file the cloudfront answers with the cached response (step 2).
    1. after the cloudfront cache expires, cloudfront hits origin and the problem can no longer be reproducible.
answered Oct 17, 2018 by Allisandro

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