How do I count the number of times the string y n outputs

0 votes
yes = "y" or "Y"
no = "n" or "N"
quest1 = input("solved problem 1: " + yes + "/" + no + " ")
quest2 = input("solved problem 2: " + yes + "/" + no+ " ")
if quest1 or quest2 == no:
  print("Please answer 'y' or 'n' for :")
elif quest1 or quest2 == yes:
  print("You should not come to class.")

quest3 = input("solved part 1: " + yes + "/" + no + " ")
quest4 = input("solved part 2: " + yes + "/" + no+ " ")
quest5 = input("solved part 3: " + yes + "/" + no + " ")
quest6 = input("solved part 4: " + yes + "/" + no+ " ")

#how can I count these y/n into the number of times of occurrences as output? so I can use if statements to print as per the number of times yes and no is answered.

Oct 13, 2020 in Python by Reshma
• 120 points

edited Oct 13, 2020 by Gitika 1,439 views

1 answer to this question.

0 votes

Hi, @Reshma,

You can go through this as an example:

def count(a, b, m, n): 


    # If both first and second string 

    # is empty, or if second string 

    # is empty, return 1 

    if ((m == 0 and n == 0) or n == 0): 

        return 1


    # If only first string is empty 

    # and second string is not empty,

    # return 0 

    if (m == 0):

        return 0


    # If last characters are same 

    # Recur for remaining strings by 

    # 1. considering last characters 

    #    of both strings 

    # 2. ignoring last character 

    #    of first string 

    if (a[m - 1] == b[n - 1]): 

        return (count(a, b, m - 1, n - 1) + 

                count(a, b, m - 1, n)) 




      return count(a, b, m - 1, n) 

print(count(a, b, len(a),len(b)))


answered Oct 13, 2020 by Lisa sanyal

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