How would I run SpringBoot with the Java-SDK of Hyperledger Fabric java daemon

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I am currently digging into development with Hyperledger Fabric and here is what I need to do:

I have a SpringBoot daemon that realizes a REST interface for pushing and pulling certain data to/from the ledger. This daemon should now run the Hyperledger-Fabric, meaning I would "use" the ledger running "inside" the daemon as if it was a local data-dump or so.

 It would be a "peer".

The aim is to have a private (yes, that's intentional by design) blockchain, not connect to some existing network.

Unfortunately, apparently all examples so far exist for building/running/using a hl-f standalone instance, predominantly via Docker. How would I run such a SpringBoot with the Java-SDK of Hyperledger Fabric?

Jul 4, 2018 in Blockchain by Shashank
• 10,400 points

1 answer to this question.

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I am not familiar with SpringBoot, but you can build the Peer as native rather than Docker image. Look at the Makefile, it has option "- peer - builds a native fabric peer binary" make -peer I am assuming that with a native executable, you can start it up from SpringBoot daemon and communicate with the Peer via GRPC or the Fabric Java SDK.

answered Jul 4, 2018 by aryya
• 7,460 points

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