I am trying to send data from oracle to the Kafka topic and I want to use Sqoop between oracle and Kafka. there is a sqoop-kafka connector but there is no explanation of how to write sqoop kafka link I am trying to write in this way but I am getting error.
$ sqoop import --connect "jdbc:oracle:thin:@IP:1521/dbname --username user --password pass --table result --topic testing
ERROR tool.BaseSqoopTool: Error parsing arguments for import:
ERROR tool.BaseSqoopTool: Unrecognized argument: -topic
ERROR tool.BaseSqoopTool: Unrecognized argument: test
and also I tried this and I also get an error.
$ sqoop import --connect "jdbc:oracle:thin:@IP:1521/dbname --username user --password pass --table result --broker-list IP --topic testing