Have created a POM with By locator concept and i need to select the value from the drop down list the code does not have the select option below is the code can some one pls tell me how to progress

+1 vote

In my utils have created the below code

public void selectvaluefromdropdown(By locator,String value)


List<WebElement> options = driver.findElements(locator);

for(int i=0;i<options.size();i++)


String option = options.get(i).getText();

System.out.println("Display all the options:"+ option);









//In the Page class have created the below code by calling the element utils class methods.cate is the one which need to select the value from the drop down

this is the locator for clicking the category drop down - By category = By.xpath("//div[@name='category']");

public void enterallfielddetails(String fname,String lname,String midname,String mail,String cate)



elementutils.doSendKeys(firstname, fname);


elementutils.doSendKeys(lastname, lname);


elementutils.doSendKeys(middlename, midname);


elementutils.doSendKeys(email, mail);

elementutils.selectvaluefromdropdown(category, cate);

In the Test Class has used the Data Provider to read the value from the Excel and called the DataProvider in the method :

Now when I run this getting a Data Provider mismatch is bz of the Category drop-down so how do I handle this

public Object[][] getNewCompanydetails()
Object[][] data = ExcelUtil.getTestData(AppConstants.New_Company_Sheet_Name);
return data;
public void getCompanyDetails(String firstname,String lastname,String middlenames,String emailaddress,String category)
contactspage.enterallfielddetails(firstname, lastname, middlenames,emailaddress,category);
Aug 31, 2020 in Selenium by anonymous
• 180 points
Any error you are getting in the process? Could you please post it?
Yes Kim getting Data Provider Mismatch Error:

Below is the error:

Data provider mismatch
Method: getCompanyDetails([Parameter{index=0, type=java.lang.String, declaredAnnotations=[]}, Parameter{index=1, type=java.lang.String, declaredAnnotations=[]}, Parameter{index=2, type=java.lang.String, declaredAnnotations=[]}, Parameter{index=3, type=java.lang.String, declaredAnnotations=[]}, Parameter{index=4, type=java.lang.String, declaredAnnotations=[]}])
Arguments: [(java.lang.String) chan,(java.lang.String) mike,(java.lang.String) re,(java.lang.String) add@add.com]

It is throwing MethodMatcherException because you are passing the same Data provider to different @Test Method, And Each test method has a different Parameter values. Parameters return by @DataProvider and @Test Method should match in order to retrieve and assign data.

You need to make sure what Data provider is returning, And you can assign it according to those Parameters to the Test method.

1)Yes i agree to what you say and iam aware as well but my question here is since iam using the  By locator i have created the below util to select the value from the drop down list:My question is with the given code how do i select the value from the drop down .Kindly refer the below code as the 1st one is the Utilities which i have created 

2)Second Code has the Page Class which has the method which calls the Utilities

3)Third Code contains the Test Class which has the Data Provider and the Test Method

1)Element Util Code

public void selectvaluefromdropdown(By locator,String value)


List<WebElement> options = driver.findElements(locator);

for(int i=0;i<options.size();i++)


String option = options.get(i).getText();

System.out.println("Display all the options:"+ option);





2)But in the Page : Method i need to call this method and have passed the holding parameter as String cate which has the xpath to click on the drop down list: below is the code:
2)Page Class Method Code
public void enterallfielddetails(String fname,String lname,String midname,String mail,String cate)
elementutils.selectvaluefromdropdown(category, cate);

3)Now in the Test Page i have created the Data Provider and the Category is read from the Excel which has the value as Contact  ..This Data Provider is given to the Test Method and the Test Method has the holding parameters.
3)Test Class Method Code
public Object[][] getNewCompanydetails()
Object[][] data = ExcelUtil.getTestData(AppConstants.New_Company_Sheet_Name);
return data;
public void getCompanyDetails(String firstname,String lastname,String middlenames,String emailaddress,String category)
contactspage.enterallfielddetails(firstname, lastname, middlenames,emailaddress,category);
It might be bootstrap dropdown

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