How to introduce implement the Project management processes in an organization

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How to introduce & implement the PM processes in an organization where few peoples are positive about it and many others are reactive/negative though they know the benefits of it?

My observation is implementing the processes increases the workload on peers and they could not get time on core part (Coding + Testing etc) where they have to spend more time in maintaining the reports, docs, sheets, meetings, etc.

Please suggest your views/techniques.

Aug 20, 2020 in PMP by Roshni
• 10,480 points

1 answer to this question.

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Project management is not about maintaining reports. All people in this world perform project management from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. Inside organizations that will require some type of "formality" where "formality" means to follow a process. And as into each person's life inside organizations that must be used if and only if it solves an organizational problem. The organizational problem arrives when organizational needs arrive (by definition of need).

 The same as people's life. So, detect if some organizational needs will be satisfied by using project management with some level of formality and then go ahead. If not, do not waste time. And by the way, today your organization is performing project management activities for sure without being aware of that.

answered Aug 20, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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