How can I upgrade specific packages using pip and a requirements file

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I'm using pip with a requirements file, in a virtualenv, for my Django projects. I'm trying to upgrade some packages, notably Django itself, and I'm getting an error about source code conflicts:

Source in <virtualenv>/build/Django has version 1.2.3 that conflicts with Django==1.2.4 (from -r requirements/apps.txt (line 3))

That's after updating the version number of Django from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in my requirements file. I'm using this command to actually do the upgrade:

pip --install --upgrade -E `<virtualenv dir`> --requirement `<requirements file`>

I can't find any flag that triggers a total package re-download. I even tried running an uninstall command first, and then the install, but no dice. Am I missing something?

Aug 6, 2020 in Python by kartik
• 37,520 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hello @kartik,

According to pip documentation example 3:

pip install --upgrade django

But based on my experience, using this method will also upgrade any package related to it. Example:

Assume you want to upgrade somepackage that require Django >= 1.2.4 using this kind of method it will also upgrade somepackage and django to the newest update. Just to be safe, do:

# Assume you want to keep Django 1.2.4
pip install --upgrade somepackage django==1.2.4

Doing this will upgrade somepackage and keeping Django to the 1.2.4 version.

Hope it helps!!
Thank You!!

answered Aug 6, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points

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