According to my knowledge, you can't edit s3 files directly in s3. But you can sync your bucket locally and upload your changes to the s3 bucket.
- First, sync your file from the s3 bucket to your local system.
C:\Users\NADIM AKTHAR\Desktop\New folder>aws s3 sync s3://bucketnadim bucket.txt
download: s3://bucketnadim/bucket.txt to bucket.txt\bucket.txt
download: s3://bucketnadim/123.jpg to bucket.txt\123.jpg
- Then modify your file and upload it to the s3 bucket.
C:\Users\NADIM AKTHAR\Desktop\New folder>aws s3 sync bucket.txt s3://bucketnadim
upload: bucket.txt\bucket.txt to s3://bucketnadim/bucket.txt