In IBM s Marble demo where are the transactions stored

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I am running blockchain demo which is provided by IBM. I have to run hyperledger fabric network, on one linux systemand 3 more clients on another 3 virtual insances on which my marble client is running properly. If we do any transactions then it will effect all the 3 client, so, now if I want to see all the transaction details from where can I see that. Is there any database or any files on a client side?
Jun 19, 2018 in Blockchain by Shashank
• 10,400 points

1 answer to this question.

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When using the Marbles tutorial, there is a “Story Mode” option that will display more details about the transaction process.

See point 10 under the “Use Marbles” heading. Transactions are stored on a ledger which is associated with each peer. Refer to the Hyperledger Fabric documentation on the ledger. The linked Transaction Flow section might also be helpful. The ledger itself is not propagated to a client-side application. However, queries initiated from client applications can be run against the ledger to return information. The Hyperledger Fabric Writing Your First Application documentation topic could also help to explain how querying the ledger works.

answered Jun 19, 2018 by Johnathon
• 9,090 points

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