I have 2 7 years of work experience

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I have 2.7 years of work experience.I used to work on (Oracle:SQL, plsql - 60/100,Postgre- 40/100 and DevOps - 40/100).

In Devops (I used to do the following tasks:
 the app down investigations, manual war file deployments, getting accesses to instances, builds and deployment, coordinating BETA builds, reviewing app logs).

I want to know in which field I should go completely that gives me benefits in the longer run these includes Payscale,scope ,fun work and many more.

Should I go for Db.developer (oracle & PostGre)

Or should I go for Aws with DEVOPS.

Or something else.

I'm not working right now (I resigned in a February month for a health reason).
May 20, 2020 in Ask us Anything! by anonymous
• 120 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hi, @Saleemhopes,

If u have 2.7 years of work experience you should quickly move on to other things. The question shouldn't be "what technology" should I learn next but "What skills" should I be investing in.

If you see yourself not as a PL/SQL developer but as an application programmer, you can immediately see that coding in Java, Python, and Perl can all be options for you.

Either you take that path and become a developer who can bring good database experience to the table. Or, if you have a passion to understand how the database works under the covers, consider becoming a DBA. Oracle DBA's will continue to be in demand for years to come. You can't go wrong.

To make your profile more attractive to prospective employers, develop and showcase your competencies and skills, and talk about what you can do. Do not just think about how many different technologies you can fill your resume with.

Both Informatica and Tableau are in demand right now. However, based on the number of job opportunities, there is slightly more demand for Tableau in business intelligence. As a certified BA, I can see where you would add tremendous value with either tool.

Perhaps, research more about each tool to see which may best align with your interest in particular industries.

Informatica develops automated data load scripts, mappings, and workflows to meet data migration needs, leverage the Informatica toolset, and performing data quality practices and procedures.

I hope this helps.

Master data integration and transformation with our comprehensive Informatica Course.

answered Jun 4, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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