Does each DApp has its own separate Blockchain Or can we develop multiple DApps on a single Blockchain platform

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I am learning blockchain technology. I read many tutorials and I got the basic idea of what blockchain is but I am confused with the fact that are there individual separate blockchains for separate DAPPs and the people who are using that DAPP, will only be the part of that DAPP's blockchain and what the blocks in Ethereum blockchain really contain? Can anyone kindly clear my doubt?

Jun 11, 2018 in Blockchain by Perry
• 17,100 points

1 answer to this question.

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A DApp is a decentralized Application. This is usually a set made of:

  • a smart contract (backend)

  • some web frontend to interact with it (UI)

A specific smart contract is deployed on one or several chains. It depends what the author decided to do.

Regarding your frontend, you could implement it so it can interact with your smart contract on all the chains you support.

So if your smart contract is deployed on mainnet + testnet for instance, you could write your frontend to support both.

So a given DApp may or may not have it's own blockchain. It depends.

For example, there's the Ethereum mainnet, which is public, and anyone can have their dApp interact with it. In this case the dApp doesn't have it's own blockchain.

However, anyone can fork or run their own copy of Ethereum, which in this case, it's a separately owned blockchain instance so it'll have it's down data and blocks not pegged to the public mainnet blockchain.

answered Jun 11, 2018 by Christine
• 15,790 points

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