Key differences between Basic orchestrator and Standard Orchestrator

+1 vote
Orchestrator interface, Tenants, Robots, Assets, Processes, Jobs, schedule etc are different for basic orchestrator?
Mar 24, 2020 in RPA by jaydeepbhunia
• 130 points

1 answer to this question.

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There are three orchestrator types…

  1. Community

  2. Basic

  3. Standard

Community - it’s a free version where everyone can use it… limited to two attended bots and 1 unattended bot. It does not have multi-tenancy, but most of the other features are available to use…

Basic - Basic version is limited to 5 attended and 5 unattended robots. This also does not have multi-tenancy

Standard - Includes multi-tenancy and there is no limit for the number of robots we can provision.

These are some of the main differences in these three… However, we can also find a on-prem and a cloud version of this as well.

For more info refer to

answered Mar 24, 2020 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
1.Are all other functionalities for Basic and Standard orchestrator same?

2. For Basic Orchestrator: Can we store credentials?

3.For Basic Orchestrator: Any limitation of asset which can be stored?

4. There are no information about different types of orchestrator in that link which you have shared.

There reason you cannot find this in the Orchestrator documentation is because this is not technical related information. I would like to add some clarifications.

Orchestrator (or other product) type is a general term. There is only one Orchestrator, but the “flavors” (features or limitations) are given by subscriptions and commercial model. For Orchestrator in particular, we have Community (cloud only), Trial, Enterprise subscriptions. The Enterprise subscription has for example the following commercial models: Basic, Standard, Non Production. Based on customer needs and agreements with our sales and pre-sales teams, you can choose whichever of these fits you better. The commercial models may change: for example, if not many customers buy the Basic one, UiPath may choose to remove this from our offering in the next year, but this doesn’t affect Orchestrator’s functionality, and this is why we don’t have this info in the technical documentation.

Where can you find this info? Reach out to your UiPath contact or to our sales team (contact form on the website).

I guess the functionality is the same in every flavor

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