Hii @kartik,
Follow are the steps to create custome validation rules in Laravel:
Run this
"php artisan make:rule OlympicYear"
After that command it generates a file app/Rules/OlympicYear.php
We can write rule in the passes() in OlympicYear.php generated file. It will return true or false depending on condition, which is this in our case
public function passes($attribute, $value)
return $value >= 1896 && $value <= date('Y') && $value % 4 == 0;
Next, we can update error message to be this:
public function message()
return ':attribute should be a year of Olympic Games';
Finally, we use this class in controller's store() method we have this code:
public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, ['year' => new OlympicYear]);
Thank you!!