What is the difference between the Red Hat OpenStack and Red Hat Virtualization and how can they work together

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Hello Guys,

Red Hat virtualization is based on  Hypervisor technique. Is OpenStack also considered a hypervisor management platform? Otherwise how they work together?

Thank You

Mar 18, 2020 in OpenStack by akhtar
• 38,260 points

2 answers to this question.

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Red Hat Virtualization is a hypervisor + hypervisor mangement project based on the opensource KVM hypervisor and the opensource oVirt hypervisor mangement project.

Red Hat OpenStack could refer to RPM Distribution of OpenStack (RDO) or Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP). RDO is the community supported version of OpenStack and RHOSP is Red Hat’s commercially supported version. Though both lag behind the main OpenStack code base, RDO is a little more current than RHOSP. They each have very different ways to install OpenStack but the end result is basically the same: an OpenStack installation. In very general terms, OpenStack could be considered a hypervisor management platform.

Hope this will help You.

Thank You

answered Mar 18, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points
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Red Hat OpenStack Platform is a commercially supported distribution of open source OpenStack software designed to build and manage large pools of compute, storage and networking resources in public and private clouds.

Red Hat Virtualization is a hypervisor + hypervisor mangement project based on the opensource KVM hypervisor and the opensource oVirt hypervisor mangement project.

What this all boils down to is a comparison of OpenStack and oVirt. On the surface, they seem quite similar: virtualization management. But their focus is quite different. OpenStack targets massive scale and disposable virtual machine workloads. (Similar to public cloud.) oVirt focuses on smaller scale environments where the virtual machines are specialized and not disposable. (Similar to VMware.)

And to address the second half of your question, how they can work together: RHV can use individual components of OpenStack to provide various functionality (like networking, storage, etc.). OpenStack can use the hypervisor portion of RHV as a hypervisor under its compute service. Additionally, we can connect RHV to OpenStack using the OpenStack Neutron networking project.

Hope my answer will help you,Thanks.

answered Jul 18, 2020 by Lily
• 260 points

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