Jenkins running slaves via environment requirements

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Hello everyone ! i want to set jenkins to launch the build in the slave who have the best environment requirements
for example i have slave 1 with jdk 7 and the slave 2 with jdk 8 and my job runs on jdk 8 i want jenkins while building my job executes the slave 2 automatically because it has jdk 8 .
Feb 29, 2020 in Jenkins by Yassine
• 180 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can do this I guess. Go to nodes and check the configuration of node which have jdk 8 installed. There you can find one field named Usage, set that field as Use this node as much as possible.

Go to other nodes and set that same field with Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node.

You can do this similar kind of thing by creating user in nodes and assign jobs to that particular user. If you created user in your preferred jdk 8 machine, than the job will run on that particular machine.

You can go through the below link. It may help.

Thank You

answered Mar 2, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points
is there any method where i can assign for each node his capabilities and for each job his requirements and then when i start building any job jenkins chooses the node with the capabilities which matches my job's requirements automatically ?
I don't think so you can do that. Let's say you have a multi node cluster in jenkins. If you want to dedicate any job in a node, you can do that. But if you run any job, jenkins internally selects one of your node which matches the job requirement and run that job.

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