Create a Cloud Dataproc cluster

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I want to run a few cloud dataproc jobs and for this I need to create a cloud dataproc cluster. How do I create the same?
Nov 26, 2019 in GCP by anonymous
• 19,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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 To create a Cloud Dataproc cluster in your project, fill in and execute the APIs Explorer template, below, as follows:

  1. Insert your project ID (project name) in the projectID field.

  2. In the Request body config.gceClusterConfig.zoneUri field, replace the "[project-id]" placeholder with the your project ID (project name).

  3. The following fields are filled in for you:

    1. region = The global region is special multi-region endpoint that is capable of deploying instances into any user-specified Compute Engine zone. You can also specify distinct regions.

    2. Request body clusterName = "example-cluster". This is the name of the Cloud Dataproc cluster that will be created.

  4. Click EXECUTE. A dialog will ask you to confirm the default scope. Click the dialog's ALLOW to send the request to the service. After less than one second (typically), the JSON response showing that the example-cluster is pending appears below the template.

  5. You can confirm that the cluster is created by going to GCP Console—Clusters.

    Congratulations! You've used the Google APIs Explorer to create cluster.

For more info refer to 

answered Nov 26, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
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