Create an instance by running the instances create command, replacing [VALUES_IN_BRACKETS] with the appropriate values:
gcloud filestore instances create [INSTANCE_ID] \ --project=[PROJECT_ID] \ --zone=[ZONE] \ --tier=[TIER] \ --file-share=name="[FILESHARE_NAME]",capacity=[FILESHARE_SIZE] \ --network=name="[VPC_NETWORK]",reserved-ip-range="[RESERVED_IP_ADDRESS]"
where the parameters are as follows:
[INSTANCE_ID] is the identifier you specify for the instance.
[PROJECT_ID] is the ID of the GCP project in which to create the instance.
[ZONE] is the GCP zone in which to create the instance.
[TIER] is the Cloud Filestore service tier you want to use
[FILESHARE_NAME] is the name you specify for the NFS fileshare that is served from the instance.
[FILESHARE_SIZE] is the size you want for the fileshare.
[VPC_NETWORK] is the name of the VPC network you want the instance to use.
[RESERVED_IP_ADDRESS] is the IP address range for the Cloud Filestore instance.
For a better understanding refer to
Hope it works!!
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