What defines you well as a person - Interview question

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What defines you well as a person? justify your answer.

How to answer this question?
Sep 4, 2019 in Career Counselling by prajwal
Just tell what stands you out from the crowd and what are your strengths and weaknesses. How is your nature in general and what are the things you do in your life to make it more meaningful. Like you can tell about your achievements and what efforts you have put in to get that goal. You can tell about your future goals and show your willingness to fulfill them.

2 answers to this question.

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Hi, Prajwal.

You can answer this question either in multiple ways. It's a common question asked to check your creativity and your thoughtfulness in your answer. It depends on the interviewer to decide whether your answer met their mark.

You can tell in a single sentence or word or in 2 - 3 lines like

1. Relate to your role model and speak out the name.

2. An object or a thing.

3. Position as leader/soldier/speaker

4. Your character like warm-hearted/ honest/ hardworking/ motivated/self-confident/passionate/determined in work, etc.

For an answer, make sure you give a good reason for your answer.
answered Sep 9, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,050 points
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This one's generally meant to be ice-breakers, from what I have felt.

Think about every one of the things that truly characterize you, and characterize you in a way that would make an outsider (for this situation a planned business) check out you.

Being straightforward and genuine, then again, enables you to do as such since you are basically required to talk reality!

Preceding the meeting, record every one of the things that characterize you—your experience, your side interests, your interests,  your methods of reasoning, your belief systems, your qualities, your shortcomings, your accomplishments, etc.

Presently, attempt to make sense of the ones that will let a more unusual see a fascinating side of you. That is really what the questioner is planning to see as well.

Attempt to be special, different and unique in the manner you communicate.
answered Sep 10, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
I don't completely agree that it's just an ice breaker. Interviewers are really interested in the kind of person you are and this is one the most import question int he HR round.

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