I imported a project from Github and ran it as a java application. It threw errors about a reference to "SystemUtils cannot be resolved to a variable" After some research I found that the app requiquirs SystemUtils class from org.apache.commons.lang3
I am still new to Eclipse, but added the JAR file to "Java Build Path" libraries. The name it shows for the library is what the file was downloaded as "commons-lang3-3.9.jar"
Even though I do not see the import command in the project I downloaded, in example tutorials I see SystemUtils imported with "import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;" -- because I am new I do not know if I should create a directory with org/apache/commons/lang and then rename the jar file to be SystemUtils
I am sure there is an easy answer, but I have spent hours trying to figure out how to add the SystemUtils to the project I downloaded so I don't get the error "SystemUtils cannot be resolved to a variable"
Thank you!