What are Fixtures in Pytest and what is their importance

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What are Fixtures in Pytest and what is their importance?
Aug 22, 2019 in Selenium by Kabir

1 answer to this question.

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Hi Kabir, Fixtures are a powerful tool provided by Pytest which allows you to maintain a fixed and well-known environment for testing. Fixtures in PyTest leverage the idea of dependency injection when your tests get prepared dependencies without taking care of setup and teardown. It’s a very convenient way to create independent tests.

Fixtures are basically a set of resources that have to set up before the test starts and have to be cleaned up after the execution of tests is complete. It contains a lot of improvements over the classic implementation of setup & teardown functions. The main advantages of using fixtures are

  • You can set the lifetime & scope of the fixture. The scope of the implemented fixture could be modules, functions, classes, or the entire project.
  • Fixtures are implemented in a modular manner; hence there is no learning curve involved.
  • Function-scoped fixtures bring the necessary readability & consistency in your test code. This makes the maintainability easy & lesser daunting task.
  • Fixture functions leverage the Object-oriented programming design concept termed ‘Dependency Injection’ where fixture functions take up the role of the injector & the test functions are considered as consumers of the fixture objects.
  • Each fixture has a name (similar to a function name), which in turn can call other fixture functions.
  • Fixtures can be reused and it can be used for simple unit testing to testing complex use cases.
answered Aug 22, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points

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