How to read data using popen

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I have written below code and its working fine. But i need to read particular line of strings from window after passing below inputs.

After reading the data again i need to pass the value. How can i do it?

Please find the attached below code and screen shot.

command = os.path.join(self.skynet_exec_dir, self.skynet_exe)
s = subprocess.Popen(command)
 prcoutput = s.communicate(input = [hotkey('ctrl', 'r'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('y'), press('enter')])

Aug 19, 2019 in Python by anonymous
Do you mean you want to read the data that has been displayed on the window? Can you share the complete code?
I can't share it in public. please send a mail to my id :

Please find the below code.

I have one exe file that i am running through subprocess.Popen(). I need pass inputs to exe file for registration of system.

Here i am able to pass all inputs. If we are passing already registered name, then it ask one dynamic question.

Test Station with <name> is already registered. Do you want to continue?

If yes then i need to pass hot "Y" else other button.

I got stuck in this line "Test Station with <name> is already registered. Do you want to continue?" This line i have to read and pass value. Can you help me to do it?

You can refer screen shot attached in the main question.

command = os.path.join(self.skynet_exec_dir, self.skynet_exe)
s = subprocess.Popen(command)
(prcoutput, prcerr) = s.communicate(input = [hotkey('ctrl', 'r'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('y'), press('enter')])

It is difficult to understand without the code. I can see in the screenshot that the input is not being taken after the line Test Station with <name> is already registered. Do you want to continue?. Is that what you mean by "stuck"? If yes, have you written the code to take input? 

P.S.: I suggest you at least share the code by masking personal data/information. Because there might be a problem in the logic

Hi karan, 

Yes you are correct Input is not being taken.

Test Station with <name> is already registered. Do you want to continue?

This line displays only if already registered system exists otherwise it won't ask this question. Here i need to read this line because i need to pass input.

If the system name is not exists it will not ask any question and no need of passing any inputs.

I need logic to handle this.

if any other thing other then Popen for this situation.

Please find the full code. 

def auto_registartion_skynet(self, machine_name, machine_pool):
        self.skynet_info_dat = "INFO.DAT"
        kybrd = Controller()

            command = os.path.join(self.skynet_exec_dir, self.skynet_info_dat)
            msg = "%s: reading INFO.DAT file: %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, command)

            if os.path.exists(command):
                with open(command, "r") as fr:
                    data = fr.readline()
                    temp_data = data.split(";")

            temp_data[2] = "TestStationName" + "=" + machine_name
            temp_data[4] = "TestStationPool" + "=" + machine_pool

            result = ";".join(temp_data)

            msg = "%s: Deleting the INFO.DAT file: %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, command)

            msg = "%s: Creating new INFO.DAT file with user input: %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, command)

            if not os.path.exists(command):
                with open(command, "w") as fw:
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            trc_bck = traceback.format_exc()
            msg = "Exception : %s\n Traceback: %s" %(str(e), str(trc_bck))

        command = os.path.join(self.skynet_exec_dir, self.skynet_exe)
        s = subprocess.Popen(command)
        (prcoutput, prcerr) = s.communicate(input = [hotkey('ctrl', 'r'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('y'), press('enter')])


Can you try this:

command = os.path.join(self.skynet_exec_dir, self.skynet_exe)
s = subprocess.Popen(command, prcoutput=PIPE, prcerr=PIPE)
(prcoutput, prcerr) = s.communicate(input = [hotkey('ctrl', 'r'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('enter'), press('y'), press('enter')])

Hi Esha,

This didn't work. Because 'prcoutput' is not reserved argument. Below error is coming.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 150, in <module>
    appTest.auto_registartion_skynet("BL-IN-KVM-11", "FCH")
  File "", line 143, in auto_registartion_skynet
    s = subprocess.Popen(command, prcoutput=PIPE, prcerr=PIPE)
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'prcoutput'

Can you try stdout and stderr instead?

s = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

Yes. Not worked.

But i got solution. 

I just did like this

        command = os.path.join(self.skynet_exec_dir, self.skynet_exe)
        proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        while proc.poll() is None:
            output = proc.stdout.readline()
            if 'Executor is Ready' in str(output):
                hotkey('ctrl', 'r')
            elif 'Enter Test Station Unique Identifier' in str(output):
            elif 'Enter Test Station Location' in str(output):
            elif 'Enter Test Station Space ID' in str(output):
            elif 'Enter Test Station Preferred Orchestrator Host Name' in str(output):
            elif 'Enter Test Station Pool' in str(output):
            elif 'Confirm update' in str(output):
            elif 'is already registered' in str(output):
            elif 'REGISTER SUSCCESSFUL' in str(output):
                return True

This is working for me. I wanted like non-blocking approach so i just used Popen. process.communicate() blocks the execution so i was not able to read the content from the window.

Thank you everyone for helping me.

Hey @Vijay. I'm glad it worked. Can you just post the solution as the answer? It will be helpful for other people looking for the solution. Thanks.

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