Puppet in Docker Setting up Puppet Infrastructure

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I am exploring Puppet in docker and as a part of my hands-on in understanding this approach, i wish to replicate the puppet infrastructure which has a puppet master and a ubuntu node as a puppet agent. I don't want the PuppetDB. How can i set up this using docker?
Aug 19, 2019 in Puppet by Zoya

1 answer to this question.

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You can use the images for standing up various Puppet applications on Docker.

As an example, first we'll create a Docker network

For the purposes of this demo, we're using the network and service discovery features added in Docker 1.11.

docker network create puppet

Then we can run a copy of Puppet Server

In the below code, standalone means that this image does not automatically connect to puppetDB. In other cases you could probably go for puppet/puppetserver image.

docker run --net puppet --name puppet --hostname puppet puppet/puppetserver-standalone

This boots the container and, because we're running in the foreground, it prints lots of output to the console. After this is running, we can run a Puppet agent in another container.

docker run --net puppet puppet/puppet-agent-ubuntu

This connects to the Puppet Server, applies the resulting catalog, prints a summary, and then exits.

answered Aug 19, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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