Docker services are used to create distributed applications across multiple swarm nodes.
Each Docker service replicates a set of containers across the swarm.
To create a Docker service, add the following code to the manifest file:
docker::services {'redis':
create => true,
service_name => 'redis',
image => 'redis:latest',
publish => '6379:639',
replicas => '5',
mounts => ['type=bind,source=/etc/my-redis.conf,target=/etc/redis/redis.conf,readonly'],
extra_params => ['--update-delay 1m', '--restart-window 30s'],
command => ['redis-server', '--appendonly', 'yes'],
To base the service off an image, include the image parameter and include the publish parameter to expose the service port (use an array to specify multiple published ports).
To set the amount of containers running in the service, include the replicas parameter.
To attach one or multiple filesystems to the service, use the mounts parameter.
For information regarding the extra_params parameter, see docker service create --help.
The command parameter can either be specified as an array or a string.