Yes, we can work with Avro files using dataframe. The easiest way to work with Avro data files in Spark applications is by using the DataFrame API. The spark-avro library includes Avro methods in SQLContext for reading and writing Avro files:
Scala Example with Function
import com.databricks.spark.avro._
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
// The Avro records are converted to Spark types, filtered, and
// then written back out as Avro records
val df ="input_dir")
df.filter("age > 5").write.avro("output_dir")
You can also specify "com.databricks.spark.avro" in the format method:
Scala Example with Format
import com.databricks.spark.avro._
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val df ="com.databricks.spark.avro").load("input_dir")
df.filter("age > 5").write.format("com.databricks.spark.avro").save("output_dir")