What is the mistake I am making?
using sqoop export :
sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://sqoopdb.edu.cloudlab.com/trading --username labuser --password edureka --table trade --input
-fields-terminated-by "," --export-dir /user/edureka_525450/FINAL_FROM_DF1.csv --num-mappers 1 --columns "SYMBOL, SERIES,OPEN,HIGH,LOW,CLOSE,LAST,PREVCLOSE,TOTTRDQ
I created the table in Database trading and the table name trade using below syntax
create table trade (SYMBOL varchar(20),SERIES varchar(2),OPEN DECIMAL(10,2),HIGH DECIMAL(10,2),LOW DECIMAL(10,2),CLOSE DECIMAL(10,2),LAST DECIMAL(10,2),PREVCLOSE DECIMAL(10,2),TOTTRDQTY integer(15),TOTTRDVAL DECIMAL(15,2),TIMESTAMP varchar(10),TOTALTRADES integer(20),ISIN varchar(20))
exported the file in the below location
/ user/ edureka_525450/ FINAL_FROM_DF1.csv