I would like to create a hive script and execute in the edureka cloudlab. I created a notepad file with .sql extension(txns.sql) and placed following queries in it.
create table txnrecords1(txnno INT, txndate STRING, custno INT, amount DOUBLE, category STRING, prodcut STRING, city STRING, state STRING, spendby STRING) row
format delimited fields terminated by , stored as TEXTFILE;
load data inpath hdfs://nameservice1/user/edureka_142337/txns1.txt overwrite into table txnrecords1;
I placed the txns.sql file in following location
Next on hive shell, I have executed the following command
hive -f /mnt/home/edureka_142337/txns.sql;
After command execution, I am receiving an error. Not sure whats wrong with the above process.