HDFS Upload file from local file system to Edureka cloud lab

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Hi. I am using Edureka Cloud lab for hdfs practice. I want to upload a wordcount problem file which is in my local system to the lab. How to do this? Can you please mention the steps?
Jul 11, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by Rehan

1 answer to this question.

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To upload a file from your local system to Edureka's Cloud Lab for practicing an HDFS wordcount problem, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Edureka Cloud Lab:
   - Access the Edureka Cloud Lab using your login credentials.

2. Open the Terminal in the Lab:
   - Once logged in, access the terminal from the lab environment where you will interact with HDFS.

3. Navigate to the Appropriate HDFS Directory:
   - Use the `hadoop fs -ls` command to check directories and decide where you want to upload the file.
   - If needed, create a new directory using `hadoop fs -mkdir /path/to/directory`.

4. File Upload from Local System:
   - Look for a "File Upload" or "Upload" option in the Cloud Lab interface. Typically, there is a GUI-based upload tool within the lab interface. Click on this option, select your file from the local system, and upload it.

5. Confirm File Location in the Lab:
   - After uploading the file, ensure it has been moved to the correct HDFS directory by listing the directory contents:

     hadoop fs -ls /path/to/directory

6. Move the File into HDFS (if required):
  If you uploaded the file into the Cloud Lab's local environment but it isn't yet in HDFS, use the following command to move it into HDFS:

hadoop fs -put /local/path/to/file /hdfs/path/
   - For example:
     hadoop fs -put wordcount.txt /user/username/hdfsdir/

You should now have your wordcount file uploaded and ready for use with HDFS operations! If you encounter any specific issues, let me know.

answered Jul 11, 2019 by Zora

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