If you are getting error: could not find a main class, then ensure that you have added the location of you .class file to your classpath. So, if it is in the current folder then add . to your classpath.
This worked for me: Right click on your ...READ MORE
I have a project on my laptop ...READ MORE
You need these three things : 64-bit OS 64-bit ...READ MORE
Using nio we can check whether file ...READ MORE
Use the final modifier to enforce good initialization. Avoid returning ...READ MORE
First of all, you need to understand ...READ MORE
Whenever you require to explore the constructor ...READ MORE
You could turn the String into a ...READ MORE
You can use string.indexOf('s'). If the 's' is present in string, ...READ MORE
A simple example: import java.util.Scanner; public class Expl { ...READ MORE
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