- EC2 is a service by Amazon where you can host your application to make it available globally
- An EC2 instance can be associated with the other AWS services like Auto-scaling, ELB, EBS, Elastic IP and many more
- If your instance is associated with Elastic IP and you are not using it then it will surely charge you more then normal. So always remember to release Elastic IP after use
- A background job running on the instance constantly generates huge logs which easily gets added to the CloudWatch log bill
- So indirectly when you keep your EC2 instance on, then even some of these services many also remain in on state
- This all results into heavy bills as EC2 instances are charged for the duration they are kept on
- So it is always a good habit to stop the instance if you are not using it, in order to save money and make wise use of resources
Where can you find Stop Option-
- Go to console and select your EC2 instance
- Click on actions>>Instance State>>Stop

To know more about EC2 instances and its features have look at this video: https://youtu.be/QNIPh4DhLx0
I hope this helps you!