No such file pom xml error in Jenkins

+1 vote

I am trying to execute a maven project and in my build I keep getting the error saying 

no such file 'POM.xml'
May 15, 2019 in Jenkins by Anirudh

3 answers to this question.

+1 vote

So once jenkins build starts it will download the source code to .jenkins/jobs/workspace and build it there. This will require you to mention the path of your application's POM.xml in relation with your jenkins workspace.

answered May 15, 2019 by Kumar
+1 vote
Can you please che ck the location of pom. Xml make sure its on the landing page of your repository, not inside a folder.
answered May 16, 2019 by Samir
What do you mean by the landing page of the repository?
–1 vote
  • You can probably check this location if you are not sure of the pom path jenkins\jobs\yourjobname\workspace

  • Say for example, for an application called as Sample, pom would be at jenkins\jobs\jenkinsJobName\workspace\Sample\pom.xml

  • The root pom field should be Sample\pom.xml

  • If you have your pom.xml in your workspace then use below command in ROOT POM.


answered Aug 1, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
And What if we are using pipeline job and not simple maven job. In that case how can we specify $workspace/pom.xml

You can use the same way I guess. $workspace always gives the working directory of your job.

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